Comprehensive Shoulder to Hand Specialty Clinic

Inspiring Hope| Fostering Trust| Delivering Excellence| Ensuring Safety

Our hands serve many purposes. Hands help us eat, dress, write, earn a living, create art, and do many other activities. They even help the blind to read and the mute to speak! Our hands are unique; they are our tools for living.
To perform various tasks and activities of daily living, our hands require sensation and movement, such as joint motion, tendon gliding, and muscle contraction. All these should occur in a smooth and coordinated manner. When a problem occurs in the hand, care must be given to all the different types of tissues that make function of the hand possible.
Injuries and diseases of the hand range from uncomfortable to incapacitating. They require special care to restore form and function to the injured or deformed hand. Hand Surgeons are specifically trained to provide that care.
At The Hand Surgery Clinics, we are a dynamic, dedicated and devoted team of physicians and associates with specialized training in the treatment of hand problems in addition to specialty training in orthopedic surgery. This includes microvascular techniques, plastic surgical training, small joint arthroscopy, peripheral nerve surgery, reconstructive surgery, congenital hand surgery and trauma surgery. We pride ourselves in being the first of its kind single specialty group practice in this country. The four physicians at the Hand Surgery Clinics in Pune have a combined 25 years of training and experience in treating the upper extremity. They combine unsurpassed expertise with compassion to provide the highest level of a care – the level of care you deserve – for the hand, wrist, elbow, and the arm. Using both surgical and nonsurgical approaches, we treat all problems of the hand.