Services Provided at the Hand Surgery Clinics, Pune

Obstetrical Brachial Plexus / Birth Palsy Services

If your baby or child has been diagnosed with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy or birth palsy (OBPP), we know that you and your family are worried about your child’s future, and you might be under some stress. So, please be assured that at The Hand Surgery Clinics, Pune;, we will approach your child’s treatment and care with sensitivity and compassion.

If your child has OBPP,, it means that during childbirth your child had an injury to the brachial plexus, which is a network of nerves that travel from the neck, through the shoulder region down to the arm and hand. The brachial plexus nerve network provides the power to all the muscles of the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist and hand in addition to sensation. OBPP occurs in about one to three out of every 1,000 babies born.

The condition’s severity and type depend on:

  • The location or site of nerve injury,
  • Whether the injury is just a stretch, an incomplete tear or a complete tear (avulsion).

In over half of the cases, the injury heals itself within the first month to six weeks. Nerve surgery may be recommended if marked weakness persists and there is no recovery of elbow movement after the age of three up to six months. Some children might benefit from muscle, tendon, bone and joint surgery between the age of 25 years.

OBPP is a serious but treatable condition.

How we approach an obstetrical brachial plexus palsy?

You can have peace of mind knowing that the team at the Hand Surgery Clinics has an extensive training and experience in treating babies and children—as well as adolescents, young adults and even professional athletes who’ve sustained traumatic brachial plexus injury. As one of the most comprehensive, multidisciplinary services, we can provide your child with expert diagnosis, treatment and care.

Our team of surgeons, child specialists and therapists provide services that include:

  • microsurgical reconstruction,
  • nerve grafts and transfers,
  • tendon transfers,
  • osteotomies,
  • open and arthroscopic reduction of infantile shoulder dislocations,
  • physical therapy and occupational therapy,
  • parental support.

To learn more and to find out if you qualify and benefit from these novel treatment methodologies, please contact us today.