1. Call 24×7 emergency care: Jehangir Hospital +91-20-6681-9999 | Oyster and Pearl Hospital +91-20-6721-6600. In case of a life threatening injury please call an ambulance or dial 1066.

2. No food or liquids for patient in case anesthesia is needed.

3. Transport patient and severed part to designated medical facility.

4. Follow the pictoral instructions in the emergency care guide prior to reaching the emergency department.

Amputated Limb

Step 1. Slightly dampen a cloth or gauze. Wrap the severed/amputated part in it.

Step 2. Place the wrapped part in a clean plastic bag and seal it so that it is waterproof.

Step 3. Pour cold water in an insulated cooler large enough to hold body part. Add just enough regular ice (not dry ice) to keep the water cold during transport. The severed part must not become frozen!

Step 4. Place a nonadhesive dressing or gauze sponge over the wound.

Step 5. Wrap the end of the limb or digit snugly so bleeding stops. Do not wrap so tightly that blood flow is cut off to healthy tissue.

Note. If excessive bleeding does not stop, raise arm or leg high for a few minutes. Do not place clamps on any bleeding arteries or veins. If this does not work apply a tourniquet to the upper arm or thigh. Release tourniquet completely every 10 minutes for at least 2 – 3 minutes. If bleeding stops do not reapply tourniquet.

Partially Severed Limb

Step 1. Wrap the limb or digit snugly with a gauze bandage or tan elastic strapping so that bleeding stops. But not so tightly that blood flow is cut off on the injured area to healthy tissue.

Step 2. Splint the injured area by strapping it to a piece of rigid material. Place a regular ice pack on the injured area.